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Make a difference


Cleanforestry - We are an international developer of nature based carbon projects, focused on creating an environmentally friendly world.

The founders of CFL have a long and solid track record of working in Africa with a broad understanding of the local environment and the challenges it faces. As part of its projects in the local communities, CFL improves education, health care, farming and other areas of life for the locals in the project areas.

In the near future CFL aims to acquire further similar projects in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Ghana.

PROJECT SELECTION -  identify projects that meet CFL's strict approval requirements on both an environmental and financial level. A pre-feasibility study is conducted to determine the project's feasibility.

DEVELOPMENT -  CFL develops the project through the verification cycle and gets the project to the point where it starts generating carbon credits. In most cases, this process takes between one and five years, depending on the type of project.

OPERATIONS - CFL takes on the role of operator once the project has reached a mature stage generating VCUs and maintains a steady continuous operation.


CFL selects, develops and operates natural carbon credit projects through a predefined process complying with the rigorous REDD+, IFM and gold standards applicable to carbon projects in Africa.

The initial focus of CFL is on forestry-based carbon projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Mozambique.

CFL delivers the highest quality natural carbon reduction projects, improving peoples lives globally and locally.

The Impact of CFL projects is global and local. Globally we help organizations and people to reduce their carbon footprint and reach a net zero status.

Locally we improve the living standards of the people living in the project areas.

Some examples of the local activities are: education, healthcare, more efficient farming, clean cooking, preventing slash and burn practices.


Carbon credits play a vital role when balancing out emissions from traditional industries and corporate demand has increased significantly in the past two years. The importance of acting now is acute.

Our recent Fortune 500 research, which tracks the climate commitments made by the world’s biggest companies, shows similar growth: carbon neutrality and net zero commitments are up by more than a quarter and 38% of the companies have now set a major climate milestone for 2030, or have achieved one already.

The annual value of the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) is on track to exceed $1 billion in 2022 for the first time, with around a 70% increase in credit issuance compared to 2020.


CFL focuses on identifying, developing and operating non-subsidized, nature based carbon credit projects.

CFL focuses on finding, acquiring and developing nature based carbon credit projects. The process starts with a suitable assessment and project selection, followed by a prefeasibility study. Based on the outcome of that study, we secure the title to the project and start the development program.

The project acquisition, development and operations are then controlled and managed by CFL, working to a pre-agreed capacity and specification.

We use robust project methodologies, coupled with regular reporting and independent verification of carbon reduction and other sustainable development outcomes. This means our clients can be proud of their impacts and confidently communicate the outcomes to stakeholders.


Alongside verified emissions reductions, additional project impacts, generally those aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), continue to be strong motivating factors for corporates. 

A focus on the positive social, biodiversity and equality impacts provided by our project partners is vital in attracting companies to purchase carbon credits or invest in project development. We choose to work with on-the-ground project implementation partners with the highest standards of conduct who understand the local stakeholders and ecosystems implied, which are quantified in the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards (CCB).



CFL focuses on a proven business model, already successfully implemented in the Democratic Republic of Congo, as an example, the PIREDD Plateaux project in the Maï-Ndombe province of DRC for the World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) where EcoAct (formerly Eco Partners) acted as the leading consultant, CFL has retained EcoAct to conduct the pre-feasibility study of the projects.


∙ Experienced management team.
∙ Past experience in renewable
  energy projects.
∙ Proven competence in delivering similar
  projects  in the renewable sector.
∙ Proven ability to enter and succeed
   in new markets.
∙ Experience in methodology, processes 
   and technology.
∙ Lean agile management structure
  allowing fast adaptation to new
  markets and trends.


With a vast experience in delivering renewable energy projects, CFL’s unique blend of skills, knowledge and experience enables highly competitive developments, keeping capital expenditure to a minimum, enabling projects to compete favourably with other forms of carbon credits generation and making them highly profitable.


Thank you!

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CFL has 4 projects under development in different stages in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Mozambique

REDD+ and IFM forestry project in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Total surface area approx.
540,000 hectares.

Status:  Development according to REDD+ and IFM standards in progress.

Project CFL1

REDD+ and IFM forestry project in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Total surface area approx.
90,000 hectares.

Status:  Verification of project feasibility according to REDD+ and IFM standards in progress.

Project CFL2

REDD+ cookstove project in the southern parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Stage 1: 15,000 cookstoves
to be placed.

Status:  Verification of project according to REDD+ standards.

Project CFL3

REDD+ and IFM forestry project in Mozambique.

Total surface area approx. 165,000 hectares.

Status:  Verification of project feasibility according to REDD+ and IFM standards in progress.

Project CFL4

We impact 11 of the UN Development goals, focusing on the following 5 goals through our projects.

CFL contributes to reduce climate change by reforestation and conservation programs on large areas of land. Taking direct action to combat climate change and its impacts through its Nature Based Carbon Credits programs.

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